Classification of Children with Mental Disorders by Intensity of Behavioral Symptoms

According to the intensity of behavioral disorders, children with mental disorders can be classified into three groups:

  1. Children with mild mental symptoms
  2. Children with moderate mental symptoms
  3. Children with more severe mental symptoms

The first group includes children with minor behavioral disorders that can be easily corrected. These are disorders in the psychological development of the child that can be removed by proper pedagogical procedure in school and constructive cooperation of teachers with parents in the education of students.

The second group consists of children with already clearly expressed deformations in personality formation, although their mental disorders are still relatively mild. They can be completely rehabilitated, but parents and teachers need the professional help of a psychohygiene counseling center.

The third group includes children who are more severely disturbed in their attitude of personality in order to eliminate the deformations of the young psyche. Children from this group need intensive and long-term psychotherapy, and their parents and teachers should maintain constant contact with the counseling center for psychohygiene, so that professionals have the opportunity to constantly influence the psychiatric and social care system.


One third of our respondents go to the first group of children with mental disorders. This means that one third of primary school students need professional help from teachers in adapting to the school and family environment. Every fourth to fifth student, ie every sixth to seventh student needs, in addition to the increased educational care of teachers, also the professional help of the psychohygiene counseling center. Approximately 2-7% of our respondents should be understood as serious mental patients, who need abundant and long-term help to develop into slightly healthy individuals.