Love as an Emotional Reaction in the Child

Why Is the Child’s Love Affection Towards People Important? Already in the first year of life, the child shows love affection towards people who deal with it in a friendly…

Joy as an Emotional Reaction in the Child

How the Child Express Joy? The child expresses feelings of joy through increased muscle activity, lively movements, a smile or loud laughter. The main source of joy in childhood is…

Jealousy as an Emotional Reaction in the Child

What Is Jealousy? Jealousy is a complex emotion. Descartes has already established that its basis is fear - "In connection with the desire to keep something in its possession". Gesell…

Emotional Maturation of the Child

How Positive Emotions Affect Child Development in General? The intimate connection of emotions with other psychic functions is already observed in childhood. The younger the child, the more complete is…

The Beginnings of a Child’s Emotional Life

What Are the First Emotions a Child Experiences? According to Watson J. B.: Psychological care of infant and child, three basic emotions are already present in a newborn: fear, anger and love.…