Twins: A Comparison of the Different Entities

Once in 80 cases, twins are born. Less often at the same time, triplets or more are conceived. Triplets are born once in 6.400 pregnancies, quadruplets once to 512.000, peters at 41 million pregnancies.

Twins1 of 80
Triplets1 of 6.400
Quadruplets1 of 512.000
Peters1 of 41 Million
Frequency of Multiple Conception

Twins: Two Different Entities

Twins are two different entities that can be of the same or different sex and develop independently of one another. It is also possible to divide one egg after a few days, usually in the germinal phase, into two. These are separate entities, of which two distinctive entities develop.

These are so-called single-egged twins because they developed from a single egg cell. They are always of the same sex and outwardly are almost the same because they have identical hereditary traits. During their stay in the uterus, the identical twins usually have joint parents and maternal sex substances.

The Development and Growth of Identical Twins: The Influence of the Environment

The development and growth of identical twins is a good example proving the influence of inherited traits on the psychological development of man. But it proves the enormous significance of the environment and acquired qualities in the formation of the character. Since identical twins have the same hereditary genetic mass, it is understandable that they’re very alike.

Identical Twins and Their Individuality

If we separate the identical twins and each of them develops in a different environment, they will retain certain psychic similarities, but they will be bigger than in non-twin sisters or brothers. In such a case, they can be formed as different individuals, regardless of the fact that they inherit the same hereditary traits.

Psychological Development in Identical Twins: Influence of the Environment

The observation of the psychological development and the formation of a person in the identical twins convincingly suggests that the environment has a much greater influence in their formation as a character than the inherited characteristics of the parents themselves. This knowledge gives the right and the duty of the parent to treat the twins with greater responsibly.