The Impact of Environment on Child’s Personality

The child's living environment, which affects the shaping of its personality, consists of three basic factors: FamilySchoolWider social community In these environments, the following factors mostly affect the child's psychological…

Motor Skills Development in the Child

During the 2nd year of life according to Gesell A.; Developmental diagnosis: Normal and abnormal child development, clinical methods and pediatric applications, the child's motor skills continue to develop. This…

Left-Handedness in the Child

In general, it is thought that a normally developed person uses the right side of the body more often and more frequently. This is especially true for the use of…

The Stepfather of the Child

As more and more failed marriages end in divorce, and children in most cases stay with their mother after their parents' divorce, so do more and more children end up…

Remembering What the Child Has Learned

An unavoidable condition for learning is the child's ability to remember what it is experiencing. Memory consists of the fact that various stimuli leave a transient or permanent trace in…

An Illegitimate Child

Among the school children we interviewed in terms of behavior, we found a number of illegitimate children. In them, mental disorders are much more common and intense than in children…