An Illegitimate Child

Among the school children we interviewed in terms of behavior, we found a number of illegitimate children. In them, mental disorders are much more common and intense than in children…

Motor Skills Development in the Child

During the 2nd year of life according to Gesell A.; Developmental diagnosis: Normal and abnormal child development, clinical methods and pediatric applications, the child's motor skills continue to develop. This…

Joy as an Emotional Reaction in the Child

How the Child Express Joy? The child expresses feelings of joy through increased muscle activity, lively movements, a smile or loud laughter. The main source of joy in childhood is…

Stimulation of the Child’s Intelligence

The development of a child's intellect depends largely on the level of development of its brain. Taking care of the child's physical health, preventing illnesses, injuries and proper nutrition ensures…

Stuttering as a Childhood Neurosis

Stuttering is a neurosis caused by spasms of the muscles of the speech organs, which interfere with the normal flow of speech. Stuttering is a common childhood neurosis caused by fear of one's own speech, which can have a negative impact on emotional and social development.