Sex Education in the Psychological Development of Young People

One’s behavior in the sexual realm can only be understood if one knows the whole personality – and knowledge of sexuality greatly helps in interpreting reactions in other areas of life. Sexuality is intimately connected with all the other components of the psyche; they affect it as much as it affects them.

Sexual Education in the General Education

Sexual education of young people is necessarily an integral part of general education. By educating a young person, we automatically educate their sexuality. It is often mistaken to try to ignore the sexuality of children and youth in general education – especially if they are at a particularly vulnerable period in their lives.

Sexuality Is Innate in People: Its Innate Component

Every educator is obliged to think about how to provide the child with the most positive sex education possible. If they do not, there is a danger that they will negatively affect the formation of the sexual part of the hild’s personality. Sexuality is innate in people and accompanies them all their life.

Sex Education: Is It a Third Option?

Sex education is an integral part of the general education of children and youth, but we present it separately to highlight its importance in the psychic development of a person. For a person cannot but be sexually brought up: they do so in a positive or negative way; there is no third possibility.

The meaning of sex education as part of mental development is that it builds in a young person three very important life attitudes:

  1. Attitude towards sexuality and its role in human life.
  2. Attitude towards the opposite sex and towards the relationship between the sexes in society and in private life.
  3. Attitude towards one’s own sexual role and one’s sexual value.

The attitude of an individual in sexual life, their successes in that area and the degree of satisfaction and happiness in sexual activity depend on these attitudes.

Sexual Education of a Young Person

Sex education of a young person cannot and must not be limited to teaching about the philosophy of sexual life. Human sexuality is not only a biological, but equally a psychological and social phenomenon. It is more of an emotional than a rational function in a person, so it cannot be learned as much as it can be nurtured.

The Psychosexual Development of a Sick Person

Nervous people, irritable, grumpy, explosive and aggressive people, and people with “weak nerves” are often individuals who do not know how to achieve their sexuality in a full-fledged way. The cause for various neuroses and other mental disorders need to be looked for in the wrong psychosexual development of a sick person.

Improper Sexual Upbringing and Its Implications on Marriage

Improper sexual upbringing is a significant cause of failure in marriage, conflicts between the sexes and toxic emotional atmosphere in the family. Anarchy and irresponsibility in sexual life are largely the consequences of the negative educational impact of the environment on the sexual part of a young person.

Sex Education: The Concept of a Systematic Sex Education Programme in Children

Sex education is the study and practice of providing children and youth with a systematic and full-fledged sex education programme. It has certain goals within the goals of general education, such as making sure that children are aware of their bodies and how they should act in relation to them:

  1. To help a young person reach a satisfactory degree of psychosexual maturity; it will be manifested in the fact that all three components of their sexuality — instinct, love, and the birth of offspring — always appear as an inseparable whole;
  2. To motivate young people to satisfy their sexual urge and use their sexual functions only in contact with that person of the opposite sex with whom they have established an intimate emotional relationship in terms of true sexual love;
  3. To enable the young generation to feel safe in their sexual role and to treat sexuality in a natural and realistic way, taking a scientific, dialectical-materialist attitude towards it;
  4. Build full confidence in the other sex and in the gender relationship; instill confidence in the possibility of a happy marriage; develop the ability for full-fledged sexual love, for equal treatment and respect for the opposite sex;
  5. Instill a sense of responsibility in sexual life, equally towards oneself and towards one’s partner, as well as towards one’s offspring and towards the whole community.

Sexuality and the Mentality of the Environment

The means of sexual education are equal to those in the general education of children and young people. The most powerful tool is the example of educators, their own behavior, their interpersonal relationships. A further means of sex education is the sexual mentality of the environment in which the young person develops.

Content of Sexual Education

The content of sexual education should include re-education of young people wrongly brought up for sexual life, as well as individual assistance to young people who have difficulties in the sexual field. All of these means of sex education should be considered when thinking about what the content of it should be.