The Impact of the Urban Environment on the Social Development of the Child

The social relations of the community in which a child develops are very important for the formation of a young person. Factors of the social environment in the earlier years of child development mostly act indirectly, through the family and school. The structure of these two environments depend a lot on the general social relations in the wider community.

Social Development of the Child

As a child gets older, the influence of society on his or her mental development becomes stronger. During this process, the youth are looking for new objects of identification. They strive to expand their social living space, so they leave the narrow circle of their family and school.

Social Classes in Exploitative Society

In an exploitative society, a young person must accept the existence of social classes as a social norm. If they do not, they will face all the consequences of their social maladaptation. The family and schools have to raise a child who will adapt as much as possible to the social community.

The Remnant of the Old: Remainings of the Old in the Attitude towards Children and in Educational Procedures

In a socialist society, the task of the family and the school is to build a free personality in a young person. Many of our families are still more or less conservative, which makes it difficult for them to fit into advanced social relations. That is why the remnants of the old are encountered in the attitude towards children and in educational procedures.

The Authoritarian Father in the Family

In the former patriarchal family, the father was the undisputed authority. Since society required him to rule over other family members, both over the woman and over the children, it was natural for the father to be an authoritarian regime. This was then manifested in the authoritative upbringing of children.

But such an upbringing was typical of a mother’s attitude toward her child, and shows how spoiled she was as a child’s mother.

Authority and Spooling: A Common Mistake in Education

Authority and spoiling are major educational mistakes that are directly aimed against what advanced society considers the goal and content of a young person. Once upon a time, parental authority went in favor of an unjust social order; today, it makes it difficult for a child to become a full member of society.

Psychological Abuse of Students: A Remaining Embedded Belief in the Past

Psychological abuse of students is a remnant of the former belief in the need for power over one another, the right of the stronger to insult and humiliate the weaker. The school has not yet completely got rid of the traditional authority of teachers. There are remnants of the past in the insufficient efforts of some teachers to understand the child.

Gender Equality and Gender Relationships in the Family

Greater gender equality, a more natural relationship between spouses and the ability to separate parents who cannot achieve a happy marriage are some of the moments that allow the child to gain more positive experiences in the family about gender relations. The decreasing social isolation of the modern family, the increasingly intensive engagement of all its members in social life enables the child  to engage in social activity.

The conflict between the family’s prejudices and the progressive views acquired by the wider community can lead to neurotic disorders.

Social Change and Young People

The socialist social order enables older children and young people to take an active part in social life. Well-run children’s and youth organizations can contribute a lot to a young person’s social maturation. In the pioneer organization and in various youth organizations, the young person has the opportunity to learn to cooperate with people on a wider social level.

The Social Factor That Influences the Formation of a Child’s Personality

The social factor that is largely responsible for the formation of a child’s personality is the economic standard of its family. The physical health of the child, nutrition, and the course of general development depend a lot on the degree of material possibilities. A stunted, frail child suffers more often and more severely than a strong, well-fed child.

A child living in very bad family conditions develops night terrors, bedwetting, and other neurotic reactions. In a cramped, overcrowded apartment, where conflicts between family members occur on a daily basis, the child is increasingly exposed to emotional damage because it attends frequent adult quarrels.

The Social Deprivation of a Parent

Average, standard parents can provide much more variety of joys than parents living in poorer conditions. A child of parents of more modest living conditions sometimes has a feeling of social deprivation. Social resentment can encourage a person to fight for a more just social order, but it can also make them less social if they turn into a generally repulsive attitude towards people.

Dissatisfaction from Socioeconomic Status and Dissatisfaction from Social Status

Poor economic conditions of development make it difficult for a child to go to school and thus sometimes make it impossible for it to achieve in life what it could achieve according to its innate abilities. That kind of person will work with dissatisfaction from their social status, and an even longer-lasting dissatisfaction will inevitably damage their psyche.

Educators and Their Culture in the Care of the Child

The growth of the culture and level of education of parents and other educators stimulates the intellectual activity of the child. The more cultured educators are, the more they think and know about raising a child. There is a growing recognition of the need to ensure the healthiest possible physical, mental and social development for children.

Psychopathology in a Child: The Impact of the Mentality of the Environment

The mental development of a child is significantly influenced by their environment. In most cases, the child more or less identifies with the mentality of its environment and accepts it. Only in exceptional cases does a person find in themselves strength to resist it, to reject it, and to build for themselves a different philosophy of life.

The maturation of the human personality is much bothered by the primitiveness of the environment in which it develops. Primitiveness of mentality consists in the fact that people are prone to various prejudices. The inability to have full-fledged sexual love is also one of the signs of a person’s primitiveness.

The Primitivism of Mentality

The primitiveness of the environment damages the young person’s emotional maturation and does not allow them to experience the feelings that give life its greatest value. The supreme achievements of enjoying the beauties of life, of love and creativity, remain inaccessible to primitively educated persons.

A Human’s Loyalty to a Religion

A person’s loyalty to the precepts and moral principles of any religion inevitably deforms the human personality to a greater or lesser extent. Religion commands people to believe in certain propositions which cannot be improved by anything. In this way, it prevents them from developing in themselves a critical, rational, scientific form of thinking.

Religion leads to statality and aversion to any innovation, fear of reform and hatred of everything that is revolutionary. This deprives a person of the ability to understand the essence of human society, to support it, to fight for it. This drives them into social stagnation, individualism and a lack of interest in social problems.

Every faith sees sexuality as a force that distracts a person from metaphysics, from mystical fantasies, from illusions about the afterlife. Every religious system considers sexuality as its worst enemy, so it tries to restrain, capture and, if possible, completely destroy it. This is manifested in regulations of sexual morality which restrict sexual freedom and much of it is declared inadmissible.

The most negative thing that religious education builds in a young person is moral hypocrisy. It consists of severe psychic scotomas, of deep insincerity towards oneself, which then manifests itself in hymnal behavior towards other people. Only a dialectical-materialist view of the world is real and natural, so only on the basis of such a philosophy can a healthy person be built.

The social maturation of the young person is greatly hampered by the petty-bourgeois environment. It is a mentality of small-scale circles characterized by conservatism, narrow-mindedness and limited spiritual aspects. A child who develops in such an environment will find it difficult to grow into a broad-minded, emotionally mature person.

Children in the Urban Environment

Many children who have begun to develop in the countryside are moving to the city. Here they have to adapt to a completely new, hitherto unknown environment. Older children usually encounter greater difficulties than young children. Children in urban areas regularly perform less well than in rural area schools.

Young People in Rural India

Young people in rural India are often blinded by the false “charms” of the big city. They see the culmination of life’s endeavors in some vain parties of the city, in nightlife, in drunkenness and superficial and irresponsible sexual life. Such experiences can seriously damage the mental life of youth and inhibit emotional maturation.

The Impact of the City on Students Who Come to the City from the Rural Areas in the City

Students who came to the city from the countryside are especially endangered, so not only do they fundamentally change their environment, but they also lose their emotional support from their families. They are exposed in the sensitive years of puberty and adolescence to a relatively cold educational process or ruthless exploitation by various private individuals.

Poor Upbringing and Sexuality

Poor upbringing in a peasant family has not provided sufficient emotional maturity or a realistic attitude towards sexuality. Naive young girls easily fall under the influence of irresponsible young men. If they are brought up without much love they will easily fall prey to a man’s seductive flattery and false promises.