The Importance of Peaceful Sleep for Children: Understanding Restless Sleep and its Causes

Introduction: The Importance of Peaceful Sleep for Children

When he sleeps restlessly, the child spins, twitches, changes position in bed, i.e. wakes up with his head where his feet were when he lay down; with that moan and speak in a dream. Sometimes he sleeps restlessly because he gets too excited before going to bed, such as watching television or reading exciting stories. In this case, restless sleep is not yet an expression of neuroticism, but is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. It is necessary for the child to lie down calmly, so that his imagination is not inflamed before going to bed, so he will sleep peacefully.

Restless Sleep Caused by an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Neurotically restless sleep is regularly a sign that the child is living in emotional conflict, that something is bothering him that does not allow him to sink into a peaceful sleep. He usually suffers from constant fear and anger towards educators. It is constantly in a fighting attitude towards them, constantly devising new methods of resistance and defense, struggling with the feeling of resentment, disappointment and injustice caused by the educators by their actions. Feelings of neglect, endangerment, loss of parental love are also emotions that upset the child so much that sleep cannot easily suppress them.

Neurotic Restless Sleep as a Sign of Emotional Conflict

Among our patients, 36 or 11.7% of boys and 19 or 12.3% of girls suffered from restless sleep. All of these children exhibited various behavioral disorders. Among these, defiance was most pronounced (17 boys and 10 girls), and in male children, aggression (10 boys and 4 girls). In second place in frequency in both sexes is cowardice (13 boys and 6 girls). Of the other neuroses that accompany restless sleep, the most common is psychogenic incompetence (18 boys and 10 girls).

Behavioral Disorders Associated With Restless Sleep

Such a combination of defiance or fear in the waking state and restless sleep becomes understandable if one takes into account the data on how children suffering from restless sleep are brought up. The vast majority – 80% – of these children are exposed to abuse by educators, 5.5% of children have very strict educators, who, although they claim not to beat, but cannot be completely trusted. Beating, therefore, seems to be the main reason why many children cannot sleep peacefully as their main educational tool.

The Connection Between Abusive Upbringing and Restless Sleep

From this it becomes clear what needs to be done to allow the child a peaceful, full sleep that will give him enough rest. He should be brought up in the right way, it is necessary to avoid conflicts and rough actions, as little as possible to burden him with negative emotions that will support the mental tension in him.