Constipation in Children: Causes and Psychogenic Origins

Understanding Constipation in Children: Causes and Management Strategies

It is normal for a child to have a bowel movement every day, even several times a day. However, it is not yet a pathological phenomenon if the stool occurs only every other day. Defecation at longer intervals should be considered abnormal. Then the stool usually hardens and defecation is difficult. Sometimes injuries occur on the mucous membrane of the anus, which is very painful.

The most common cause of constipation (constipation) is improper diet. If a child does not eat enough food with cellulose – vegetables and fruits in fresh or at least unpasteurized form – his intestines will become lazy, so the stimulus to the stool will rarely occur. In any case of stool constipation, a pediatrician should be consulted first. Only if he finds that the child is physically healthy and that he is eating properly, and yet suffers from constipation, should the psychogenic origin of the disorder be considered.

The Role of Psychogenic Origins in Childhood Constipation

Parents in a way that is too timid, nervous or impatient accustom the child to great urgency, paying too much attention to this act.

Huschka M.: “The child’s response to coercive bowel training”, Psychosomatic Medicine Journal, 1942. found that psychogenic constipation occurs in these cases:

  • When the parents force the child to control bowel movements too early (already in the first year)
  • When the parents scold or punish the child if they have failed to control the stool
  • When parents too often use suppositories and other means to make the child’s stool regular
  • When the parents send the child to the toilet too often and force him to stay there for too long
  • When the parents promise too much to the child if he has a regular stool

The basic moment in the occurrence of psychogenic constipation seems to be a very strict general procedure with a small child, especially when austerity is concentrated on performing urination. There is then constipation an expression of defiance against the educator. But this disorder also occurs when educators are too sloppy in getting a child used to a regular stool. Children should not be forced to defecate when they do not feel the need to do so, they should not be scolded or punished if they fail to control their bowel movements. But it is necessary to warn children, of course calmly and kindly, to go to the toilet immediately as soon as they feel the need, not to keep a stool unnecessarily, or not to delay urination if, for example, they are entertained by a game, watching TV or rushing to school. School children should be encouraged not to be ashamed to ask to leave school when they feel the need.

Proper Diet and Healthy Habits to Manage Constipation in Children

In addition, it is necessary to provide mixed foods with enough hard, cellulosic ingredients and allow the child to move sufficiently. In the case of transient constipation, stools should be avoided; it is better to achieve stool with proper food. When psychogenic constipation occurs, its causes should be removed and the child treated in a calm and natural way, leaving above all an authoritative procedure.

Gender Differences and Long-term Consequences of Childhood Constipation

Constipation appears to be more common in girls than in boys. How many times stubborn psychogenic constipation continues into adulthood.


It is important to take constipation seriously in children and address it properly. By understanding the causes and management strategies, parents can help their children avoid the long-term consequences of constipation. Encouraging a healthy diet and promoting healthy bathroom habits can go a long way in preventing constipation. Additionally, avoiding strict bathroom procedures and allowing children to go when they feel the need can help avoid psychogenic constipation. By addressing constipation early on, parents can help ensure their children have a healthy and happy childhood.