Intelligence: Definition, Theories

At first glance, it seems clear what intelligence is. But trying to define it is not easy at all. Intelligence is not the only, simple and clearly limited function of…

Acquiring Habits in the Child

The faster the child acquires various motor habits with which it finds its way in the environment, the more easier and more complete it is for the child to adapt…

Child Abuse

Abuse most often manifests itself in a lack of love for the child, i.e. a very negative emotional attitude of the educator. An authoritative educator is prone to child abuse.…

Children’s Play

The essence of children's play has been tried to be interpreted by various theories: playing is a way for a child to rest, to gather strength and refresh its spirit.…

Children’s Behavior

The child needs to be helped to develop into a healthy person. This will be achieved to a great extent, if we act in a right way with them. But…

Introduction to Mental Hygiene: Psychohygiene

Our recent history has created the concept of psychohygiene, it is called mental hygiene, and deals with the care of people’s mental health. A Brief History of Psychohygiene People ages…